Part 19: Ep. 13: I'm Diggin' It

Last time on MySims Agents
: Wow, pal, Evelyn's place got trashed! But why'd they steal such weird stuff?
Let's follow up on the mysterious pizza coupon! We find Gino in front of the gear-driven pizza oven, as usual.

: Serve anyone new recently?

: Oh really? Where did she sit?

: At the table against the wall, near the door.
So we go look at the table, because... because not looking at the table would be less than thorough.

: I wonder if the customer left anything behind...
Sam whips out the magnifying glass and studies the table in depth.

Did anyone see the perps meeting in the forest?
We leave the pizzeria--again--and head for the forest. We've just stepped into the park when Travis texts us again!
Whoops. I guess that cat prefers squirrel noises. Oh, well. Think of something else, Travis! I'm busy!
And we head through the tunnel to the forested part of the park. Let's talk to the important character first.

: Hi, Dogwood!


: Yeah, I know. Things are getting pretty crazy with Morcucorp...

: Grrr... woof

: Right, that's what worries me. But we'll just have to wait and see... take care, Dogwood.
Welp. Let's talk to Poppy next.

: Hey Poppy. Anything weird going on recently in the

: Hmm... I don't think I've seen anything "weird."

: Okay, thanks Poppy.

: Whoa! Okay... what is it?

: Fantastic. Thanks, Poppy.

Poppy's dog buried evidence... can I find it?
Sounds like we get to dig! But first, let's talk to Derek. Because that always goes so well.

: Derek, I need to speak with you.

No way! I don't wanna talk to you.

Honestly, that was the first time it really hit me: I wasn't just some neighborhood detective any more. With the power of the S.P.A. behind me, I didn't have to 'get along' with anyone if I didn't want to.

: Look, kid. This is serious. Start talking or things are gonna get

You're damn skippy.

: You think your Aunt Shirley will be happy about the damage you caused at Gino's?

: Whoa whoa... let's not do that, okay?

: Just tell me about the meeting.

: A book exchange. Who's this guy who took it?

: I don't know him! I promise!

: Fine. We're done here.

Derek confessed he saw the Morcucorp operatives give some man the journal... was that all they wanted?
Also, Derek is Shirley's nephew, which explains why he hangs around in this boring part of town. We'll meet more of that family later!
It's time to see if we can't dig up these shiny rocks. Dogwood has dug holes all over the park (for he is a dog, you see) and we'll have to check them all until we find what we're looking for. We'll start with this one.
Sam produces a shovel from somewhere, digs for a while...
... then sighs heavily. Nothing in that hole.
The next three holes are exactly the same. Finally, at this hole back here...

Evelyn's jewels were stolen, but ended up being buried by Dogwood. Doesn't seem like they needed those.

I should report my findings to Evelyn.
Before we do that, though, there's one last hole that we haven't checked. We should check it. Maybe there's some paint in there, or a hat, or...
So... Dogwood buried a rock-n-roll elf in the forest. And we dug him back up. So he's going to work for us as a special agent.
Sure, okay!
After some pointless investigation we head back to Evelyn's to report our progress. Just as we're passing the salon, a text message pops up! It's from Agent Walker!
Good to see we're still in the loop. Anyway, let's talk to Evelyn.

: I figured out what Morcubus was after!

Really? What was it?

: I'll take the good news first.

: The good news is that I found the letter and the jewelry. Here you are...
Evelyn beams and takes her stolen things, then sobers.

: And the bad news?

: They took your journal. Apparently there was an exchange between the Morcucorp goons and an unknown male recipient in the forest.

: My guess? The mayor, Skip Rogers. I've already connected him to dealings with Morcubus.

: Well, let's go arrest him! Throw him in prison! Let him sit in a cell!

: Not so fast, Evelyn. I need concrete proof... and I intend to find it.

: I'll be waiting outside City Hall. I want to be there when this goes down.
Evelyn stomps off. Sam watches her go, then pulls out his notebook.

I should try confronting Skip directly.
We go back to City Hall. Evelyn beats us here, and she is so mad, you guys. Until we come up with evidence to clear or convict Skip, Evelyn will stand outside City Hall huffing and stomping her foot and shaking her fist at the building. If I were Skip I would run for my bearded life.

: Don't worry, Evelyn, I'm on the case!

: Oh, thank you, Sam! You're the best!

Next time on MySims Agents
: Hey, remember that time when you deliberately aggravated someone's documented medical condition? Those were the days!